“Cabinet Minister and Tauranga candidate Jan Tinetti has tonight shown Labour’s true colours when she conceded she wants to “work with the gangs” says ACT’s Tauranga candidate Cameron Luxton....

“Cabinet Minister and Tauranga candidate Jan Tinetti has tonight shown Labour’s true colours when she conceded she wants to “work with the gangs” says ACT’s Tauranga candidate Cameron Luxton.

“In the first televised candidates debate, Tinetti said the growing gang problem will be fixed by “working with gangs.”

“Tinetti is part of a Government that gave the Mongrel Mob $2.75 million. She’s part of a Government that is soft on crime and has seen gang membership grow by 50 per cent.

“What we need are real solutions and real change. ACT has proposed Gang Control Orders that would allow Police to apply to the courts for an injunction against an individual on the National Gang List.

“The injunction order would then be used to prohibit bad behaviours including being in a particular location or associating with particular people. It could also be used to require positive actions, like attending rehabilitation.

“Gangs are responsible for harm and chaos across the country and here in Tauranga, they peddle drugs, are violent and intimidating. They cause misery in our communities.

“ACT recently had a Bill in Parliament that Labour voted down that would have seized assets from gangs. Now Labour is talking about the need for legislation that does just that.

“The gang crime in Tauranga is a failure of one of the core duties of government, to keep New Zealanders safe. Tinetti’s attitude tonight summed up everything that’s wrong with Labour’s approach.”

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