“ACT congratulates Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall for sacking Health NZ Chair Rob Campbell. His partisan political rants made his position untenable, it let down the entire public service,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“ACT congratulates Minister of Health Ayesha Verrall for sacking Health NZ Chair Rob Campbell. His partisan political rants made his position untenable, it let down the entire public service,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“Some things are bigger than one person. Immature conduct like that of Mr Campbell’s undermined integrity of the entire public service. The public service must be able to serve whatever Government the people elect, not just the ones they prefer. Mr Campbell’s rant undermined this important principle.

“The next Chair needs to be focused on things like recruiting more nurses and allied health workers. It makes no sense to have surgeons waiting around because the Mr Campbell’s system was so dysfunctional. Taxpayers and those needing healthcare deserve a health boss who does their job instead of mouthing off on social media.

“The Minister needs to ensure the next chair is politically neutral and not prone to immature outbursts. Someone who doesn’t spend all day commenting on social media and instead focuses on patients in our system would be fantastic.”

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