“ACT has been consistently calling for more frequent and widespread wastewater testing with daily and transparent reporting, the positive testing in Tauranga shows why this is needed,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“At the beginning of the outbreak there were just 26 wastewater sites with testing carried out sporadically. The Government showed it was not prepared for Delta and after the outbreak it had to scale up testing in a big way.
“Now we need to know the results. What are the wastewater test results for each site, each day?
“Taxpayers are funding the data and advice received by the Ministry of Health, but it guards it jealously.
“It’s time for the Government to practice what it preaches about openness and transparency, treat us like adults and show us what it is using to make decisions.
“Our COVID 3.0 – Life after lockdowns plan calls for "more frequent and widespread wastewater testing with daily and transparent reporting to alert people that testing may be required"
“It’s time the Government started being proactive and let us in to its confidences about data and decision making.”