“The Housing Minister has proved today that her so-called Healthy Homes Standards are simply double standards,” says ACT’s Housing spokesperson Brooke van Velden.
“Kainga Ora tenants are some of the most vulnerable tenants in the country. ACT has heard from many vulnerable state housing tenants with health problems who have been begging for heat pumps, insulation, and other improvements to their homes, only to be left in the cold.
“Meanwhile, from tomorrow private landlords must have their homes up to standard or face massive fines.
“The Minister has told ACT that people with health conditions in state homes are a priority and yet ACT has heard of an elderly women who has repeatedly been denied a heat pump and a woman with asthma whose home hasn’t been insulted despite asking multiple times.
“Why does she expect private landlords to provide this when the Government will not require themselves to do this until 2023?
“The Minister was today unable to give a guarantee that there are no other people in Kainga Ora homes suffering from health conditions who have been unable to get help.
“This Government needs to stop painting private landlords as villains when it’s the one the worst slum-lords around.”