“Putting more bureaucracy on businesses won’t close the gender pay gap, the real pay gap we should be worried about is the gap with Australia,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“The median hourly wage for New Zealand women is $26.37, while across the ditch you get almost $11 more an hour, $37.02 (NZD).
“The overall gap between New Zealand and Australia $27.76 compared with $38.52.
“Meanwhile, inflation is lower in Australia, there are even reports Kiwis having their groceries shipped to New Zealand from across the Tasman because it’s cheaper.
“It’s in our DNA to not let Australia win, these figures show they are wiping the floor with us. This is the gap we should be fighting hard to close.
“We should be focussed on boosting productivity, becoming more competitive and creating a healthy economy. Instead, the Government is piling bureaucracy onto businesses who are already tied up in red tape.
“It’s impossible to prove that someone with the same experience and qualifications is worth the same. Some people just work harder and businesses know who these people.
“If the Government wants to boost wages it stop being so inwardly focussed and stop adding red tape, We should be focussed on being more competitive. It’s time to take the Aussies on.”