“Many teachers in Auckland are still waiting for COVID test results to return before they are able to return to school,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“Every teacher has to return a negative nasal pharyngeal test before returning to the classroom.

“If saliva testing has been available for teachers, they’d have been able to have faster and more comfortable testing. Instead, many are still waiting for test results.

“The Government’s slow uptake of saliva testing has let teachers down. Saliva testing is only available for border workers.

“Until just days ago the COVID-19 Saliva Testing website specifically stated in bright red writing “Please note funded saliva testing is also not available to teachers (including early childhood centres.)”

“Despite teachers still not being eligible, that sentence has now been removed from the website after ACT alerted journalists to the specific omission of teachers.

“Once again we’ve been let down by a Government that won’t embrace new technology and moves at a snails pace.”

A screen shot of the now deleted paragraph about teachers on the saliva testing website can be found here.

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