“There’s now an open question about whether New Zealand’s roads have more orange cones or more potholes. Waka Kotahi’s solution is to spend your money reducing the speed limits instead of fixing the roads,” says ACT’s Transport spokesperson Simon Court.
“The state of New Zealand’s roads has deteriorated dramatically, the Government seems to think that fixing damaged roads is a low priority and slowing everyone down is a better solution.
“ACT has previously that by October 2022 there had been 555 complaints to NZTA about damage to vehicles because of the state of New Zealand’s roads, but NZTA has only compensated four people.
“Based on those numbers, it’s likely there will be about 700 damage complaints for 2022. In 2018 there were 284.
“ACT has spoken to one of the few people who received compo. He said he had to fight tooth and nail, that NZTA made it so difficult, he would understand why others would give up.
“ACT supports moves to lower the road toll – but that comes from better roading infrastructure, not slowing people down and putting further restrictions on businesses who have quite frankly put up with enough under this Government.
“Increasing the level of private sector funding will inject much-needed discipline into decision-making and target spending in the right places.
“It’s time the government started focussing on things that will get us moving, increase productivity and make life easier for all New Zealanders.
“ACT knows that Kiwis have places to be and things to do, and that they need safe and well-maintained roads. We hear ya.”