Both bills provide an option for company directors to leave their residential address off the Companies Office’s register.
ACT has long argued the rule requiring company directors to share their home address is unjustified and creates risks of harassment and even physical danger.
The Post recently reported a case where a director felt forced to break the law to avoid having her address listed, because the legal option – getting a protection order – would have involved cost, delay, and potentially even coming face to face with the man harassing her. That shows why a law change is sorely needed.
As a former company director myself, it was seriously concerning to know I could be tracked down at home by any customer or contractor with a grievance, at any time of the day or night.
I’d like to congratulate Deborah Russell for her advocacy on this issue. Cross-party support between ACT and Labour is a strong sign the bill will be approved by Parliament.
Now that she’s had her bill drawn, she’s got the opportunity to submit another one. My colleagues are hopeful she’ll again replicate one of ACT’s great initiatives. Perhaps Cameron Luxton’s bill to ease Easter Trading restrictions, or Simon Court’s bill to let Kiwi companies purchase overseas carbon credits, or Mark Cameron’s bill to introduce electronic monitoring for serious young repeat offenders.