“After the Government proved yesterday it is capable of listening to New Zealanders by scrapping the cycle bridge, ACT has a list of other things Labour should back down on,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“The Government has too many policies that divide people and divide wealth. It should dump them. Instead we need policies that unite New Zealand behind good ideas to create wealth.
“It’s ok to admit when you get things wrong. So here are some other divisive policies the Government should dump:
• Three Waters Reforms, complexity and division with questionable benefits
• Fair Pay Agreements, compulsory unionism that will kill productivity growth
• Parent Teacher interview leave, forcing another cost on employers
• Another public holiday, paid for by employers
• Scrapping interest deductibility on property investors mortgages
• The COVID eradication response, failing despite the Government’s denials
• Firearms reforms, alienated licenced firearm owners but did nothing for gun crime
• Zero Carbon Act, an overcomplicated way of reducing emissions
• Commercial property law changes, shaking confidence in the rule of law
• Significant Natural Areas, confiscation for improving your property
• Live Export Ban, an enormous economic cost based on faulty assumptions
• Car Tax, impractical, inequitable, and won’t reduce carbon emissions on gram
• Oil & gas ban, destroying investor confidence in New Zealand
• National Policy Statement on Freshwater, one-size-fits all and practical nowhere.
“Those are just a few examples where the Government should listen to New Zealanders, back down from its ideological stance and do what’s right.
“ACT has plenty of positive policies the Government can replace these with, including:
• An Epidemic Response Unit to govern the response to COVID professionally and collaboratively
• Student Education Accounts, so parents are in charge of the education budget
• 30 year infrastructure funding and planning partnerships to get infrastructure built in each region
• Private insurance on new builds instead of costly council building inspections and get homes built
• A Regulatory Responsibility Act to ensure law making consults and considers peoples’ rights
• A Mental Health and Addictions agency to ensure the mental health dollar is efficiently spent
• ACT’s alternative budget would cut taxes, and start repaying debt by 2025
• Electronic income management for welfare, so the kids get the benefits
• Gang injunction orders and tougher asset forfeiture laws, so organised crime doesn’t pay
• A four year term with independent select committees, so law making is sober and considered instead of rushed and reckless
• A straightforward climate policy that links our emission levels to our competitors’
“We’d like to congratulate the Labour for scrapping the bridge, now to quote Jacinda Ardern- “let’s keep moving.”