“Fourteen months after Labour promised to crackdown on disruptive Kāinga Ora tenants, it's been revealed that just one tenancy has been terminated for anti-social behaviour.
“That’s despite 10,129 complaints about Kāinga Ora tenants over the same period.
“Just about every week we hear another horror story about neighbours of Kāinga Ora tenants being terrorised by unruly behaviour.
“Labour promised to take this issue seriously, but it’s actually protecting and promoting bad behaviour.
“If Kāinga Ora tenants know their tenancy can’t be terminated, where’s the incentive for them to behave? If they knew that people who misbehaved were being moved on, maybe their neighbours might get some peace and quiet.
“What message is Labour sending? That if you’re given a taxpayer-funded state house and you behave badly, Kāinga Ora will basically do nothing.
“That’s not good enough. The Labour-National sustaining tenancies policy is too soft on badly-behaved Kāinga Ora tenants. ACT says there need to be real consequences for rule breakers.”