Guest Speaker: Community leaders
When: 6pm - 7pm, Monday 23 May
Where: Bishop Monteith Visitors Centre, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Parnell
Cost: Free
With the increase in neighbourhood crime in the electorate over the last couple of years, my office receives frequent calls about anti- social behaviour.
The police along with security companies employed by local businesses have done what they can to alleviate the situation but there has been no discernible improvement as far as many residents and businesses are concerned.
With the more relaxed COVID settings now in place, it’s time to get those affected together. By holding a local meeting it will give an opportunity for people to voice their concerns. This will help me as your local MP to understand the issues more clearly.
The police and other community representatives have been invited to attend the meeting and give their perspective as well.
Please RSVP Below
May 23, 2022 at 6:00pm - 7pm
Bishop Monteith Visitors Centre
Holy Trinity Cathedral
Cnr St Stephens Ave & Parnell Rd
Auckland 1052
New Zealand
Google map and directions
Epsom Electorate · · 09-522-7464