“More businesses are being hit byram raids nightly than benefitting from the Government’s $6 million fund for vulnerablesmall retailers,” says ACT’s Police spokesperson Chris Baillie.

“When questioned in Parliament the Ministerof Police said “Only a small number of businesses have access to the fund sofar. I think five have had improvements completed as a result of being able toaccess the fund so far.”

“That’s five businesses benefittingfrom a fund that was announced in May, yet six separate ram raids occurred inAuckland last night alone.

“This is another case of Laboursitting back and hoping the problem will go away. The issue is that when itdoesn’t they panic and announce rushed policy – what are the odds of a ‘Ram RaidTaskforce’ being announced?  

“Ram raids are one of the majorproblems affecting New Zealanders right now, and Labour has not gone hard orearly.

“Labour’s soft on crime approachhas seen these offences erupt. Officers have told me that these offenders haveno fear of consequence. Much of the current crimewave is being caused byre-offenders which shows that not enough is being done to steer these kids awayfrom a life of crime.

“For every crime committed there isa victim who deserves better, and when youth is involved, the stakes are evenhigher – we can’t sit by while young New Zealanders become criminals.”

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