“While tragic reports of sexual and family violence in emergency and transitional housing are occurring, the Minister responsible for both portfolios is disgracefully trying to pass the buck instead of addressing the issue,” says ACT’s Social Development spokesperson Karen Chhour.

“Marama Davidson is meant to be responsible for the prevention of family and sexual violence and emergency housing. She’s shown a disgraceful lack of interest in both of her portfolios.

“I asked the Minister whether she had received any briefings on sexual assaults occurring within emergency and transitional housing, and whether records were being kept of complaints. Her answer was no and no.

“The media has reported horrifying accounts of vulnerable women being raped in temporary housing they were referred to, despite already raising safety concerns with their case manager. The problem is out in the open and the Minister is doing nothing about it.

“Many of the residents of emergency housing are our most vulnerable and they deserve a safe space. It is disgusting that even when they speak up about their safety they are ignored.

“The Minister needs to work with police and start recording and compiling data now and get on top of this issue, if not, she should hand in her ministerial warrant. We can’t afford to let vulnerable people suffer from her inaction.

“She even disingenuously tried to suggest that these matters weren’t in her remit and would be better off with the Minister of Social Development. All it takes is a quick glance at her Ministerial titles to know this is 100% her responsibility, and she is 100% failing to uphold it.“

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