“Transport Minister Michael Wood has today clarified the Prime Minister’s comments about who are “legitimate” ute drivers and its seems it’s region dependent,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“According to Wood on Newshub Nation this morning, if you live in Auckland you shouldn’t drive a ute but if you’re on the West Coast it’s ok.
“Wood’s argument was that more utes are sold in Auckland than other places around New Zealand. I’m not sure if the MP for Mt Roskill is aware of this, but Auckland has a larger population than other centres.
“The Minister might also be interested to know that there are plenty of tradies who live in Auckland who need these vehicles for their work.
“It’s not up to Government to dictate to us who should and shouldn’t be allowed to drive what vehicles. This is nanny state behaviour.
“Comments like these show how arrogant and out of touch Labour is with everyday Kiwis.
“The feebate scheme targets tradies, large families and farmers who face an extra tax to fund Teslas for wealthier car buyers.”