“The ACT Party has today put forward a sensible solution to improve the rushed housing deal between Labour and National,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“But unable to see sense, Labour and National rejected our very sensible suggestion to replace the Medium Density Residential Standard (MDRS) they are proposing with the familiar Mixed Housing Suburban Zone already widely used in Auckland.
“It has design standards that will stop someone building three three storey houses next door with a floor to ceiling window on the third floor looking into your kid’s bedroom.
“The whole debate was embarrassing, with Minister David Parker saying he had no role in deciding zoning under the Bill, then having to stand up and explain what roles he does in fact have.
“They showed a woeful lack of understanding at points in the debate. It was pointed out that they are going to nullify even Kainga Ora’s urban design standards and the NZ Super Fund’s Investments. Master plan developments will also be undermined by the legislation.
“All together it showed a rushed process, where ACT has proposed going back to Select Committee, adding infrastructure funding which is vitally needed and now this Mixed Zone – all voted down by a Government and National Party that don’t seem to understand the chaos they’re creating.”