“With a cost of living crisis, and nearly 70 per cent of New Zealanders demanding a tax cut, the time for beige responses has passed”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“The cost of living crisis requires a crisis response.

“Tonight’s Newshub poll showed that almost 70 per cent of New Zealanders believed a tax cut was the right response to the cost of living crisis.

“Other political parties have joined ACT in acknowledging a cost of living crisis but haven’t produced responses that meet the challenge. A crisis requires more than wishy-washy positions – it requires real change.

“Labour has taken an extra $2,138 in tax from the average New Zealander.

“Real change would include dumping the bright-line capital gains tax completely, giving a $2,000 tax cut to someone on the average wage, scrapping the 39 per cent envy tax, and restoring interest deductibility.

“Acknowledging a crisis is a good first step but tinkering at the edges is inadequate. We need real change.

“The left doesn’t shrink from pushing its values on New Zealanders. Labour and the Greens must privately laugh when the right is too scared to change anything back.

“ACT is campaigning for real change. We need to evict Labour AND its ideas.”

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