“Prime Minister Chris Hipkins should swiftly and categorically condemn Labour frontbencher Willie Jackson’s violent rhetoric about the prospects of Māori under an ACT-National government”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“Newsroom reports freshly promoted Jackson as saying Māori will get ‘thrown under the bus, crushed and killed’ under a National-ACT government.'

“That kind of talk is violent, divisive, unnecessary, and offensive.

“There has been endless ink spilled over the past year about the violent language and abuse seeping into our political discourse. New Zealanders rightly expect politicians to disagree without being disagreeable.

“Chris Hipkins claims that ACT has made the issue of co-governance divisive. He needs to clean house and pull Jackson into line.

“Willie Jackson is not a radio shock jock anymore. He’s a senior Cabinet Minister responsible for the entire media. New Zealanders deserve better.”

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