“Even Jacinda Ardern's harshest critics never imagined her 'nuclear free moment' would be coal powered," says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“According to the latest figures from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE), coal imports are up are up 25 percent on the same quarter last year.

“Coal used for electricity generation is up 115 percent on the same quarter last year.

“These figures make a mockery of the Climate Change Commission's dream of a painless transition.

“In the real world, lake levels are low, gas production is down, the sun doesn't shine at night, we are dependent on coal, and power prices are going up.

“Right now, Kiwi industry faces shutdown because of high power prices. When contracts are renewed those prices will filter through the retail market, and people will see how expensive the Climate Change Commission's hot air really is.

“The proposed changes in the Climate Commission report will drive up electricity bills, make cars out of reach for many New Zealanders and result in job losses.

“It seems the Government would rather New Zealanders were out of work and shivering through the winter.

“For yet another quarter these figures have shown that government’s “nuclear free moment” is just spin and it’s time to re-evaluate the whole plan.”

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