ACT is helping people who want to make a difference in their own lives, and we’re making a difference in this Coalition Government, as evidenced by the new quarterly plan.

New Zealanders working hard every day to better themselves deserve a Government as fiscally responsible as they are, a Government that protects them from crime, and a Government that delivers services without discrimination.

ACT policies form the leading edge of the Government’s new quarterly plan, just as they did in the initial 100-day plan.

ACT policies make up half of the 36 actions in the plan:

1) Making Labour’s MDRS optional for councils.
2) Improving the rental market.
3) Easing restrictions on building materials from overseas.
4) Reforming the National Policy Statement on Freshwater.
5) Suspending the requirement on councils to identify and adopt new Significant Natural Areas.
6) Reviewing the methane science and targets for consistency with no additional warming from agricultural methane emissions.
7) Reforming the CCCFA regime to improve access to credit for home buyers.
8) Initiating the first regulatory sector review in Early Childhood Education.
9) Widening the scope of the Covid-19 inquiry.
10) Reforming the Holidays Act.
11) Removing the ban on offshore oil and gas exploration.
12) Restoring Three Strikes.
13) Reviewing the firearms registry.
14) Reintroducing charter schools.
15) Launching an Attendance Action Plan and introducing initiatives to lift school attendance.
16) Streamlining the Medsafe approval process.
17) Repealing Section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act.
18) Delivering a budget that reduces wasteful spending while investing in frontline services.

ACT’s election priorities of reining in the cost of living, ensuring consequences for crime, and ensuring equal rights for all are all reflected in the action plan. Ultimately, the full set of actions will return more decision-making power and resources from Wellington and back to the households and businesses paying the bills.

More detail and commentary on ACT’s initiatives in the plan can be found in this week’s issue of Free Press.

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