“High Priestess of Human Rights, Golriz Ghahraman has brought legislation to parliament so bad even Crown Law can’t calculate if it breaches the New Zealand Bill of Rights.

“There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.

“The report from the Attorney General says “I have concluded that the Bill appears to be inconsistent with the right to freedom of expression, affirmed by s 14 of the Bill of Rights Act, to the extent that the Bill caps a donor’s donations and loans, to a candidate or a party, at $35,000. I consider that the limit on the right is certainly capable of being justified, but I have insufficient information at present to conclude this is the case.

“One thing’s for sure, no one would give Golriz Ghahraman a donation over $35k so she’s certain the law wouldn’t affect her, but the Attorney General had to point out it would affect other people.

“Without donors, our democracy would not function, but they are being made out to be something sinister. In actual fact, donors often fear repercussions for being publicly identified for supporting a particular party.

“We should value that fact that many people give money, with no tax deduction, simply because they want a party’s people and policies to reach a wider audience and have a chance of winning power.”

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