“Acting Prime Minister Grant Robertson admonishing the National Party for the cynical timing of an announcement is the h-bomb of hypocrisy,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“Last week Labour did the exact same thing on a far larger scale. They dropped all Covid policies on the day Her Majesty passed away. Two years of policy disposed of at a time when the country is in mourning.
“If we go back a month then how about announcing Trevor Mallard’s cushy diplomatic posting to Ireland 15 minutes before the 6pm news bulletin.
“Or earlier this year dumping announcements concerning major constitutional reform like Three Waters and He Puapua on Friday afternoons.
“Or if we cast our minds back to the 1pm updates from the podium of truth, we can recall the time the Government didn’t announce that someone had escaped MIQ until after the Prime Minister had given her update and she was safely away from questioning media.
“Labour once claimed it was “the most open and transparent Government ever.” Labour’s now so transparent we can see right through them.
“If Grant Robertson thinks National are “disrespectful and cynical”, I’d hate to know what he thinks of his own government.”