“After the Government bragged about bringing in debt collectors for overdue MIQ debt, ACT can today reveal that some people have never been sent invoices,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“ACT has been contacted by someone who stayed in MIQ who wants to pay his bill. He stayed in MIQ in April and has contacted MIQ multiple times asking for the invoice because he wants to pay his debt. He hasn’t received a response.

“If someone wants to pay for MIQ, the Government should be making it as easy as possible for them.

“COVID Response Minister Chris Hipkins needs to explain why it’s taken six months to send an invoice. He needs to answer how many people are yet to receive invoices and he should assure the people who have not received invoices that they won’t have debt collectors knocking on their doors.

“MIQ should be paid for on the spot. ACT called for private businesses to be involved MIQ because they would have the motivation to manage it safely, to seek payment and it would open more spaces to Kiwis desperate to get home. Private businesses would know how to do basic things like send an invoice and they would have the motivation to do it.

“It’s time for the Government to sort out MIQ. It’s not going to get back the money it’s owed if it doesn’t even ask for it.”

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