Labour is promising tougher hate speech laws. This will undermine our fundamental right to freedom of expression.
Hate speech laws are divisive and dangerous, turning debate into a popularity contest where the majority can silence unpopular views.
Jacinda Ardern has described the kind of language Labour would make unlawful: ‘when you see it, you know it’.
This is the danger: ‘hate speech is deeply subjective’.
Threatening others or inciting violence should be illegal, but something as subjective as ‘offensive’ language should never be unlawful.
Freedom of expression is one of the most important values our society has.
Join David Seymour MP on his Free Speech Tour, to discuss how we can push back against Labour’s hate speech laws and defend freedom of expression.
See you there!
Thankyou to everyone that RSVP'd for this sell out event!
We are now at Capacity and cannot admit any more! Please check on our Events page for more events in the Hutt and wider wellington area at a later date!
We will book a bigger venue for the next one!
April 14, 2021 at 6:30pm - 8pm
The Butcher and Brewer
175 Jackson St
Lower Hutt 5012
New Zealand
Google map and directions
Andy Parkins ·