“This is the most expensive food has been since GST was introduced. Food prices won’t go down because the Government isn’t prepared to take the pressure off producers and meaningfully cut its wasteful spending.

“Today Grant Robertson boasted about cutting less than 1 per cent of the Government’s entire budget. To put that in perspective, that $1 billion a year represents 2 per cent of the amount Labour has increased spending by since 2018.

“It is totally clear that Labour will never take responsibility for, or act on, the problems existing in New Zealand society.

“Too many Kiwi families are struggling just to keep their heads above water. They can see what the problems are, but the Government is so disconnected from the realities of working New Zealanders it feels hopeless.

“ACT’s alternative budget to be released on Monday – A Time For Truth – will face facts, and show a way to deal with the hard issues.

"Prices are rising because there is too much tax, too much wasteful spending, and too much productivity sapping red tape and regulation. Nearly everything Labour does causes inflation one way or another. ACT would tax less, waste less, and regulate less so the economy can get moving again.

“The challenges New Zealand faces can be addressed. But in order to do that there needs to be a strong economy built around creating conditions for prosperity, giving people the opportunity to get ahead.”

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