“The Labour Government’s so-called ‘Fair Pay Agreements’ will be the most radical change to employment laws this country has seen in decades and will cause huge division,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“When Jacinda Ardern said on election night that she would “govern for all New Zealanders,” nobody imagined she meant forcing laws on people, even if the majority don’t want them. These laws that are anti-democratic and anti-freedom.

“New Zealand businesses need the ability to adapt to their own unique conditions. These new agreements can be forced on a workforce by a minority of staff – it’s just wrong.

“A Bill is expected to be introduced to Parliament this year. The arrogance of this Labour Government is plain to see, given it received advice saying from MBIE saying FPAs will ‘reduce employer and labour market flexibility and productivity growth’, ‘result in terms and conditions which mean employers’ abilities to compete, adapt to changing market conditions or innovate may be lessened’, and ‘impact on competition if some employers cannot afford to comply with the new standard and exit the market, or may choose to not enter due to the new barriers to entry’.

“ACT has launched a petition against Fair Pay Agreements, AKA compulsory unionism. This is cynical policy from Labour designed to look after its union mates. If people want to join a union there is nothing stopping them, it shouldn’t be forced on people.

“Union organisers make up 30 percent of Labour’s caucus but just 0.026 percent of the general population. New Zealanders have voted against unions with their membership which have gone from 70 percent to 20 percent over the past 30 years. Why should the rest of New Zealand have unionism forced on them because of Labour’s blind ideology?

“ACT will fight this plan. They’re a relic of the 1890s which have been dusted off purely to help Labour’s union mates. They will do nothing to advance hardworking middle New Zealanders.”

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