“The simple truth is we cannot go on the way we are now. We need instead a country that is more affordable, safer, and more united. To achieve that will take more than more of the same. It will take a real change of direction powered by fresh new ideas. We didn’t see that tonight.
“Real change starts with tackling wasteful spending, so that households and firms have more to work with, and ACT has laid out a detailed plan to save more of your money. The government is spending 30 per cent more per person than it was six years ago. And what are you getting for that? We need to make real changes to ensure Kiwis are getting bang for buck.
“We will ensure the public service is less focussed on spending and more focussed on outcomes in education, healthcare, law and order and infrastructure with KPIs and incentives, with real accountability to taxpayers.
“There was a lot of debate about infrastructure tonight. How is it possible that we have so much land and so many materials but so many people without a roof over their head? The simple reason is that it’s become too hard to build homes. ACT would take a practical approach to building homes, reducing regulation and funding infrastructure by sharing GST with councils.
“New Zealand needs a proper public debate on what the principles of the treaty actually mean, in the context of a modern multi-ethnic society with a place in it for all. ACT would state what the principles are in Parliament and let Kiwis vote.
“The question around welfare shouldn’t be about how much money people get for staying home, it should be about how we can get people back on their feet. People pay their taxes and fall on hard times, but they need a chance to get back to work and if they don’t take that chance they should be on electronic income management to make sure rent is paid and their kids are fed.
“We need practical solutions. To fund infrastructure so the pipes are fixed, to get kids to school so every kid has the education that ensures they have a bright future, to save taxpayers’ money to ease inflation.
“A vote for ACT is a vote for practical policies for a brighter future, it’s a vote for a change – not just of the people in charge – but for a real change in government to a stable and united ACT-National coalition.
“If you want less of Chris Hipkins’ fear campaign and want more of ACT’s practical policies, Party Vote ACT.”