“ACT New Zealand utterly condemns the appalling attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israel,” said ACT leader David Seymour.

“We stand with our friends and allies the United States, Australia and Britain in condemning the attacks, which include indiscriminate rocket fire on Israeli cities and the killing of innocent civilians.

“ACT stands with the people of Israel and strongly supports Israel’s right to defend itself.

“At a time like this New Zealand needs a government which stands firm with its friends and allies. Sadly, under Labour, New Zealand stands alone in the worst possible way, with a foreign minister only able to express ‘concern’ that violence has ‘broken out’, as if it happened by chance.

“In an increasingly uncertain world, New Zealand needs a government that is committed to defence, committed to working with our allies and committed to defending freedom and democracy worldwide. ACT will provide that commitment and sense of purpose in the next Government.”

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