“ACT wants to empower new councils to develop more infrastructure and deliver more housing for the communities they’re representing with a GST sharing scheme,” says ACT’s Housing spokesperson and Deputy Leader Brooke van Velden.
“New councils who have been voted in this weekend face a daunting task developing infrastructure because they simply can’t afford it. Luckily ACT has a bill going through Parliament that would incentivise and resource councils to provide infrastructure for new homes by sharing half of the GST with them.
“Currently, local councils face poor incentives to build. Every new development involves costs to existing ratepayers to provide new roads, water, and sewerage connections. These costs act as a disincentive for councils to approve new houses and subdivisions.
“The GST-sharing scheme is estimated to deliver $1 billion every year to support local development enabling infrastructure, but councils that consent more, get more.
“The only time you get prompt service from a council is when they’re issuing a parking ticket. They’ll come to you, anywhere, anytime, because there’s money in it. Imagine how many consents they’d issue if there was money in it for them?
“Instead of forcing councils to come begging for special funds from the Government, it would provide an enduring and predictable solution for infrastructure funding.
“ACT believes in better, longer-lasting solutions. As a country we deserve better when it comes to housing to ensure we can live our best and most fulfilling lives.”