“The ACT Party is rejoicing that Britney Spears is free one more time after exiting the toxic conservatorship with her father,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“Britney’s dad thought she was a slave for him, the conservatorship was a circus, but the ACT Party says you shouldn’t be a slave for anybody.
“In fact, these words are in the Party’s constitution, because we’re crazy for freedom. “That New Zealanders are the rightful owners of their own lives and must be free to act according to their own judgements, so long as they accept and respect the like freedom of others.” Nobody has a right to a piece of me.
“After striking a blow against the patriarchy, she’s now stronger than yesterday, a womanizer of freedom.
“ACT will stand with freedom fighters everywhere, encouraged and emboldened by the success of the Free Britney campaign. We believe this may be a turning point, leading to the downfall of the freedom sapping Ardern reign. Gimme More.”