“ACT is welcoming reports that National Leader Christopher Luxon has expressed his support for a referendum on co-governance,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“1News reported the following from a public meeting in Ashburton; “Luxon initially sidestepped a te reo question to discuss the issue of co-governance, which he said should be taken down the constitutional path of a referendum.”
“ACT couldn’t agree more, which is why we announced our policy of a referendum on co-governance six weeks ago.
“Luxon initially dismissed a referendum, hoping the problem will go away. That’s been the strategy of successive National governments in the past, but ACT has continued leading this conversation and has forced him into being bold.
“This is why having ACT as a major part of the next centre-right government is essential, we’ll keep pushing National to ensure real change occurs.
“Another cycle of National holding the line, so Labour can pick up right where it left off last time, just won’t do.
“ACT says every child born in New Zealand, and everyone legal immigrant, has the same rights. Those are the rights of a citizen. Nobody should get an extra say because of who their great grandparents were. Nobody should have to be treated differently because of who they are.
“It’s time for honest and bold conversations. ACT exists to do more than just win office and hold it. We want to equip New Zealand with the best policies in the world. We stand for real change.”