
  • People

    Parmjeet Parmar

    Parmjeet Parmar MP immigrated to New Zealand from India in 1995, receiving a PhD in Biological Sciences from the University of Auckland. Before being elected to Parliament as an ACT Party MP in 2023, Parmjeet worked as a scientist, businesswoman, broadcaster and community advocate before becoming the first Indian born woman to be a Member of Parliament at the 2014 General Election. Outside politics, Parmjeet served as the Chair of an NGO helping victims of domestic violence, a Community Representative on the Film and Video Labelling Body, a Families Commissioner and as a director and board member. She lives in Auckland with her husband and their two sons.

  • Press Releases

    Collecting tariffs costing New Zealand

    “Collecting tariffs is costing Kiwis around $2.5 million a year, we should just embrace free trade and reap the benefits,” says ACT Deputy Leader and Trade spokesperson Brooke van Velden.

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  • Policies

    100 Days of Real Change

    There’s no point beating Labour just to babysit their policies, their bad ideas need to go, and voters deserve to know they’re going.

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