“Michael Wood knew he was going to be punishing rural New Zealanders when he introduced Labour’s car tax, he just didn’t care,” says ACT’s Primary Industries spokesperson and Ruawai Dairy Farmer Mark Cameron.
“In a Transport Ministry Green Paper, which has a foreword written by Michael Wood, it says the Feebate Scheme: “may have an impact on households that cannot alter their vehicle purchasing choices may be required to pay a fee. We may also find that rural populations are affected disproportionately.”
“Our rural communities do so much for New Zealand. They kept the economy running during COVID-19. In return the Government has thanks them with a new tax and stopped desperately needed workers from coming into New Zealand.
“Jacinda Ardern has said Cabinet considered an exemption but decided against it. Farmers need utes to carry out their work. The Prime Minister saw this first-hand in Ashburton during the week as she was driven around in one.
“The Government needs to stop punching down on farmers. Michael Wood should re-read the advice from the Transport Ministry and have some compassion for our rural communities.
“ACT will continue to fight against the Government’s car tax. Our petition has had more than 15,000 signatures. ACT is listening.”