PETITION: Reverse the gas exploration ban

Jacinda Ardern’s idealism has collided with energy reality and the lights have gone out.

This Government has declared a climate emergency, waged war on energy sources it doesn’t like, pushed for 100 percent renewables, but at the end of the day comes night, and there’s not enough energy.

The problem is hitting home, literally, as the lights go out.

Sign our petition to reverse the ban on offshore natural gas exploration.

The Government may argue it’s not responsible for this crisis, but one thing is for sure: if it doesn't change its thinking, it will be responsible for future crises.

It turns out the real climate emergency is a cold winter night with all the heat pumps turned to full.

The focus should be on security of supply and affordable electricity, not banning certain fuels.

The Government has employed hundreds of working groups, and launched enquiries into petrol stations and supermarkets. It hasn’t committed anything to energy security.

It’s time the Government got its priorities straight and focused on the basic needs of New Zealanders. It’s should have seen this coming.

Sign our petition to reverse the ban on offshore natural gas exploration.

Sign the petition to reverse the gas exploration ban

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