We need you to be a part of our movement for REAL change. Will you join us?New Zealand’s status as a first world country is under threat. Workers are going backwards, our streets are lawless, and we’re now divided by race. ACT has solutions ready to go, but we can’t get them done without you. ACT is touring New Zealand and we need you at one of our meetings. This is your opportunity to help us get our country back on track. This October, New Zealand is having an election. A new coat of paint – from red to blue – won’t be enough to save our country. ACT's goal is to provide the next Government with some backbone. Changing the Government won’t be enough – we need a real change in direction. We need you to be a part of our movement for REAL change. Will you join us?


May 26, 2023 at 7:00pm - 10pm