19 December, 2024
ACT responds to GDP data
Just as we saw earlier this week in the government books, the full impact of Labour’s economic destruction wasn’t properly reported. But ACT was ringing alarm bells over Labour's spending binge throughout the previous term, and the resulting recession is a vindication of what we’ve aways said.
18 December, 2024
Will party leaders let MPs think for themselves on Easter Trading?
With Parliament scheduled to debate a bill to liberalise Easter Trading rules today, the bill’s sponsor is making an appeal to party leaders to allow their MPs a free vote rather than whipping against the bill.
17 December, 2024
NZ a step closer to being a superpower in agricultural genetics
I remember standing up as an Opposition MP in 2019 laying out a proposal that is effectively replicated in the bill now before Parliament today.
17 December, 2024
ACT welcomes bill to restore flexibility to local housing development
Progress on this legislation means local communities, who deserve a say in their planning laws, can breathe easy. Elected councils up and down the country have opposed MDRS, and now we’re making it entirely their choice
17 December, 2024
Years of easy choices laid bare by the books
We won’t sugarcoat it, the Government books are grim. The real accounts were worse under Labour than were published at the time. Only now are we seeing the full picture with revised figures.
17 December, 2024
Another smart fix to the AEWV migration programme
The requirement that an AEWV job pay at least the median wage was poorly thought-out. It forced employers to ramp up wages offered to migrants who would have happily taken a job at a lower wage
16 December, 2024
ACT welcomes moves to make councils respect ratepayers
ACT has long campaigned on getting local councils back to basics, with a value-for-money focus. The Government’s moves today are an important step in this direction
16 December, 2024
Poll: Kiwis back principles in Treaty Principles Bill
When Kiwis hear what the Treaty Principles Bill does, instead of what the media or Te Pāti Māori says it does, they support it
14 December, 2024
We hate to say we told you so
The resignation of the Chair of NZ Green Investment Finance puts a bitter cherry on top of a six-year corporate welfare debacle
12 December, 2024
ACT celebrates new tools to prevent benefit exploitation
This is real change that will make it far harder to exploit the benefit system, Benefit sanctions are a crucial tool to deal with those who take taxpayer money while refusing to take basic steps to support themselves.
12 December, 2024
Residential Tenancies Act changes will increase access to housing
Today’s changes are great news for renters and landlords, ACT’s longstanding position has been that Labour’s restrictive tenancy rules hurt both tenant and landlord.
11 December, 2024
Ferries decision a win for taxpayers
Taxpayers are the winner from today’s Cook Strait ferry announcement. The Government has delivered a solution at a fraction of the cost of Labour’s plan and is opening the door to private investment in the process