This year’s election is the most important in a generation and New Zealanders from all walks of life are turning to ACT as we focus on the real issues facing our country.

New Zealanders are tired of the red-blue duopoly, the dirty politics and the mud-slinging. A Party Vote for ACT is a vote for honest politics and a rejection of the scandals and sleaze.

ACT has put forward positive, practical solutions to the real issues facing our country. We’re the only party with a comprehensive 5-point plan to restart the economy and repay the debt.

We’ve also been the real opposition. On issue after issue, we’ve stood on principle. ACT defended freedom and democracy when others wouldn’t.

More than ever, we need to have a strong voice and more ACT MPs in Parliament to hold the others accountable.

Our top candidates are travelling the length of the country, from Whangarei to Invercargill.

Please join Nicole McKee in the Deerstalkers Hall at 7pm for an important election year event.

Also present will be Rangitīkei candidate Neil Wilson and Isaac Henderson (Party VP).


Parking: behind netball courts.


August 10, 2020 at 7:00pm - 9pm


Deerstalkers Hall
100 Peat St
Whanganui 4500
New Zealand
Google map and directions


Will you come?