“Stuart Nash revealed Labour’s true colours today – describing members of a rural movement as racist anti-vaxxers – and he should apologise”, says ACT Rural Spokesperson and Ruawai dairy farmer Mark Cameron.

“Standing in for Damien O’Connor in Parliament today, Nash refused to answer a simple question about whether the Government had met with Groundswell and instead resorted to name-calling.

“Nash suggested the Government wouldn’t meet with Groundswell because it was: ‘a mixture of racism, anti-vax etc.

“Nash showed complete and utter contempt for rural New Zealand today. Never has a politician looked down on the people paying the bills like this, stereotyping farmers the way Labour judges others for doing.

“Groundswell represents tens of thousands of everyday Kiwis concerned about the avalanche of red tape being imposed on farmers.

“ACT has been advocating for the Government to meet with the group over concerns about freshwater regulations, the Zero Carbon Act, Significant Natural Areas, feebate, the Climate Change Commission’s report, and many other initiatives.

“Rural communities deserve better than name-calling from Labour MPs. Jacinda Ardern promised to govern for all New Zealanders. This was supposed to be a kind government. If Ardern wants to be taken seriously, she’ll tell Nash to apologise.”

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