“While Kiwis grapple with the cost of living crisis and a shock increase to the OCR yesterday, the Government has announced it is spending an extra $25m every year on RNZ. This is Labour’s priorities in action,” says ACT Leader David Seymour.
“Almost half of the funding is for a ‘new digital platform’. RNZ already has a perfectly fine website and mobile app, is the Government really so out of touch that they think Kiwis’ priority right now is to pay for a new one?
“When inflation is out of control the Government should curb its spending, this is more unnecessary expenditure that means inflation hangs around for longer.
“Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson shows how clueless he is with taxpayer money in his own press release. He says “Today’s announcement will mean a total saving of $364.7 million over four years compared to merging RNZ and TVNZ.” Someone should explain to Willie that saving money is not the same as wasting less than you once intended to.
“Is this Labour’s new fiscal strategy? Announce ludicrous spending, cancel it, then boast about it as savings.
“The best journalism exposes information that powerful institutions like governments don’t want in the public domain. The more reliant it becomes on the state to keep it going the less likely it is to remain independent of it.
“ACT believes the provision of media isn’t the role of Government, especially with Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson’s “democracy has changed” approach to New Zealand. The Government should look at applying Mixed Ownership Models to media organisations instead.
“Not only would it lessen the perception the Government is in a position to influence media, but this would raise significant funds, allowing us to pay down a portion of the Government’s COVID-19 debt. It would also subject these firms to more commercial accountability, likely improving their long-run profitability and possibly increasing dividends.”