“ACT is calling on the Government to introduce our policy of Gang Injunction Orders this year to crack down on gang members and minimise the risk posed to the public as gang numbers spiral out of control,” says ACT’s Justice spokesperson Nicole McKee.

“Under Labour, gang numbers have exploded, ACT has a plan to take back control.

“Gang Injunction Orders would allow the Police to apply to the Courts for an injunction against an individual on the National Gang List.

“The injunction order could then be used to prohibit bad behaviours including being in a particular location or associating with particular people. It could also be used to require positive actions, like attending rehabilitation.

“Gangs pose an enormous risk to society and deploying new tools to curb their violent offending and drug peddling is critical.

“There are now almost 3,000 more people on the National Gang list than there were when Jacinda Ardern took office.

“With a 50 percent increase in gang numbers since taking office, the only thing outpacing gang growth is house prices under this Government.

“Gangs are responsible for harm and chaos across the country, they peddle drugs, are violent and intimidating. They cause misery in our communities.

“Last year we saw gang shootings all around the country, funeral processions forcing cars off the road and we know they’re peddling drugs into our communities.

“This is a failure of one of the core duties of Government, to keep New Zealanders safe.

“Gang Injunction Orders are used in the UK and parts of the US. A review by the UK Home Office found “Gang injunctions were generally seen as a valuable tool in tackling gang-related violence, and seemed to work most effectively in areas with strong multi-agency arrangements in place.

"The Police Association has shown support for our proposal.

“ACT’s plan would take back control from the gangs and deploy an innovative policy to make New Zealand a safer place. As a country we deserve better.”

Our Honest Conversations Law and Order document can be found here.

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