“The ACT Party this morning gives its full support to Labour list MP Helen White as she highlights how out of control crime has become under the Labour Government,” says ACT’s Police spokesperson Chris Baillie.

White writes in the Herald this morning “it is clear from statistics that crime in Auckland Central is on the rise and is changing in form.”

“ACT agrees. Last year ACT Leader and Epsom MP David Seymour highlighted the issue of crime in his electorate.

“If only Helen had a colleague in her caucus, like the Police Minister, she could raise these concerns with.

“She could ask her why the Government hasn’t reached its promises target of 1800 new police? She could ask what she is doing to stop out of control gang crime.

“Sadly, it seems like most other New Zealanders, Helen doesn’t even know who the Police Minister is.

“ACT would automatically adjust police staffing budgets in line with population increases.

“We would introduce Gang Injunction Orders to allow the Police to apply to the Courts for an injunction against an individual on the National Gang List.

“We welcome Labour MPs finally waking up to the real issues this country is facing. Now it’s time for Poto Williams to take action.”

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