"The Labour Government is floundering, unable to tackle any of the issues facing New Zealand," said ACT Leader David Seymour. "The country needs a fresh new approach and the Real Change that only ACT can deliver."

"Crime, cost of living, education, health, all are in crisis but the Government struggles to even accept that there is a crisis. The Prime Minister thinks out of control crime in New Zealand, thugs terrorising families and businesses is a “challenge”. It’s not just a ‘challenge’ Prime Minister, it’s an out-of-control crisis which you are doing nothing about.

"Without a set of core principle to guide them, the Government is battered about the ring like a blind man in a boxing match. The best it can do is spray money everywhere and hope something works.

"Education Minister Jan Tinetti has been referred to the Privileges Committee because she was more focused on solving the political problem for her Government than the actual problem of getting kids to school.

"It’s time for a reset and thankfully there’s an election coming so we can have one.

"What we need is to cut the crap. Cut the crap spending and crap ideas coming out of Wellington.

"New Zealanders, families, businesses need a party of principle – ACT – with sound policies to address the issues that no one else will and to give them hope for a better, brighter future.

"ACT will ensure there are consequences for criminals so that when they’re caught by police they stay caught. Once they’re behind bars they’re not causing harm and they can be rehabilitated, to stop the cycle of crime. Remember, you can’t rehabilitate someone if they’re out doing ram raids.

"ACT will deliver real support for healthcare by increasing the amount paid to doctors by 13%, to take the pressure off GPs who are working late in the night just to keep up. Instead of wasting money to give well-off people free prescriptions, that money could have gone to GPs so that people could actually get a prescription.

"ACT will stop the spending on ‘nice to haves’, like telling people to have shorter showers, or bilingual road signs. ACT will focus on delivering essential services like health, education, better roads, more prisons – and cutting taxes so people can afford to have a decent shower!

"Only ACT will deliver principled policies which tackle problems at the source. Only ACT is focussed on the long-term wealth and wellbeing of all New Zealanders. Only ACT will deliver the fresh new ideas and real change that this country needs.

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