Should a child ever be taken out of a safe, loving foster home because the child’s foster parents were the ‘wrong’ race? That's what has happened under Labour's 'Section 7AA' of the Oranga Tamariki Act.

Children's Minister Karen Chhour, who grew up dealing with Child, Youth and Family, is now repealing Section 7AA to ensure the wellbeing of the child, not the Treaty, is Oranga Tamariki's paramount consideration.

ACT's petition to repeal S7AA was started under the previous Government. We've now reopened it for signatures as the Waitangi Tribunal and its supporters do everything they can to stop Karen's efforts to deliver colourblind, child-centric state care.

Will you back the Children's Minister as she repeals section 7AA?

"Removing s7AA from the Act reinforces the need to put the safety of the child first."

- Hon Karen Chhour
  Minister for Children
13,835 signatures

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