A Referendum on Co-Government

The Māori Health Authority. Three Waters reforms. Unelected voting members on local councils.

New Zealand is being transformed into a country where your rights depend on who your ancestors were.

Labour is treating people differently based on their ethnic group.

Join ACT in standing for equal rights and one person, one vote.

What is co-government?

Co-government means some representatives are democratically elected and others get a seat at the table because of who their ancestors were.

There’s been no debate

Co-government is everywhere, but nobody has ever asked whether we want it. People feel unable to criticise it for fear of being called racist. In a democracy, we the people should have the right to determine the future of our country.

Our proposal

ACT proposes that the next government passes legislation that says all citizens have the same political rights, then ask the people to vote on it becoming law.

ACT stands for equal rights. One person, one vote. We hope you join us.

Read ACT's Democracy or Co-Government policy document here.
38,351 signatures

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